Thursday, January 13, 2011

The end of observation...

Yesterday I finished observing the lessons. The impressions were great. If course, we meet hard-working and willing to learn students, others were not so studious, some of them were very noisy and hyperactive, some very silence...But all in all, my impressions are good and I can`t wait to start teaching them...Yeah...teaching sounds maybe too strong in my case. But I will try to do my best. I will try to help the students learn and understand.

Coming back to the lessons which I observed, I liked one teacher most. She is an English teacher...very young and new at this field. But her lesson was perfect! The atmosphere, her manner of teaching, her sense of humour...EVERYTHING! She was even a better teacher than those who have been teaching for twenty years.(that`s my personal opinion). She let the students laugh, but know where and when to stop. She asked several times if everyone understood, if no, explained the rule once more...In my submission, she is a sample what a good teacher should be like.

The other lessons were by other teachers.The lessons were also fluent and nice.
So that`s the end of observation. On Monday I start teaching...My feelings are mixed.I can`t wait but at the same time have some fears..How the students will react? Will I manage to control the class?Will I manage to explain and convey the information? These are the question that worry me...But I hope I`ll be fine!


  1. great, cant wait to hear what will be your opinion after Monday!!! Im starting on Wednsday.. Good luck!!!

  2. Dear Raimonda,

    Hope the students have not eaten you up... ;-) Please share some of your impressions here.

    Looking forward to it,
    lect. Nida
