Thursday, March 24, 2011


In Vilnius Radvilų Gymnasium we were seven members of practice group: Evelina Brusokaitė, Raimonda Vilkaitytė, Sandra Purvaneckaitė,Tomas Jelisejev, Neringa Telksnytė, Ingrida Karpuškaitė and Agnė Radionovaitė. We had four practice teachers: Ramunėlė Šiaulianskienė, Vilija Ramonienė, Vaida Galkontaitė and Dalius Vyšniauskas. We had from the 1st to 4th gymnasium classes (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 4c (b level)). All trainees had from 9 to 12 lessons a week. During our teaching practice we were working from Solutions, Enterprise and First Certificate Expert books. New technologies were also implied in the lessons such as a record - player, computers, projectors, the internet and so on.
 Regarding the fact that our school was gymnasium, the proficiency of students was expected to be more or less advanced. We all had different classes (from 1st to 4th gymnasium classes). The level differed in every class. For example, Neringa and Ingrida had 4th class students but the level was low. Students were in level B and the general level of proficiency was quite poor. In contrast, the class 1a was a very strong one. The students` general level was not intermediate but remained an advanced one. The majority of students mastered the target language in all spheres (reading, writing, listening, speaking).Therefore, the level of proficiency different in every class. Besides the general level, the level differed within the class as well. There were students who could even hardly read, and there were students whose English was fluent and perfect within the same class. So, it was difficult to draw the general level of proficiency in Radvilų gymnasium.
 We have decided that one of the main linguistic aims is to enable students to acquire basic language skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing). We tried to realise every aspect and make the lessons various and interesting. Another aim is to pay more attention to the English language usage than concentrating on the native language. We tried to speak in English as much as it was possible, for instance, in teaching activities we used only English language and encouraged students to use it as well, but when we were explaining grammar rules, so we explained it in English and then provided the explanation in the native language.
On the subject of class organization, so we had to plan carefully our lessons in order to run a smooth classroom. Also, we had to prepare extra handouts and think how to present them clearly and interesting because students pay attention to the instructions. It was important to present teaching procedures so that it would be clear to students what our requirements were. We set the ordinary rules to students, for example, when the lesson start students have to be in their seats ready to work or to show their homework so that we can mark. The aids that we used were visual (blackboard, handouts) and audio-aids.
We think that the most successful in our teaching were handouts (or additional activities). We provided various activities that were new to students. We frequently started our lessons with warming-up activities which were evaluated by students as interesting. Learners were engaged by these activities. Sometimes we felt that working in groups were not successful as we expected because not all the students were motivated to work, even if they were asked to join their group. 
English teachers in Vilnius Radvilų gymnasium teach from two different books: „First Certificate Expert“, “Enterprise” and „Solutions“. First book is upper- intermediate level, the second one - intermediate and the last one- intermediate.

“First Certificate Expert”

This book deals with all of the four skills.

It consists of all three stages of teaching: The Activating stage involves preparing for new learning (an introductory stage). The Acquiring stage develops new learning (the critical stage). The Applying stage involves deepening what was learned by engaging students in complex tasks at a later time.

Forth formers in B level are also taught from this book. In this case this book seems to be inappropriate and too difficult. Teacher has to adapt the material for every single lesson.

For stronger students this book is appropriate. However, additional materials are often needed (grammar rules or activities).


This book deals with all of the four skills and consists of all three stages of teaching.

This book is clear and appropriate for students. Variety of activities helps students to learn English language in a fun way.
During our pedagogical practice we had a chance to see what personal qualities we have in order to be good teachers, but also we find out which fields of skill in teaching we need to strengthen too. First of all, we need to be better at explaining things, because sometimes it was quite difficult to explain clearly grammar rules and some instructions to the students. Second, we have to be better managers of time, because time is very precious thing during the lesson and a good teacher has to know how to use it wisely. And one more quality which we want to strengthen in order to handle teaching is to be more patient: always patiently explain unknown things and never scream or yell at the students even though they try to provoke your emotions. 
Finally, after the review of the whole teaching practice, we offer our pieces of advice to the English Department. Even though, we are already in the fourth course, we were scared to appear in front of the class for the first time. We think that the practice itself should start from the first course in order to see what the matter is “working at school”. We think that to the majority of us it would help to understand if we want to be teachers or not. Speaking about the knowledge of English grammar and other technical things, for example, how to teach, we were satisfied; however we lacked knowledge about the classroom management (we needed to discuss more real-life situations which happen at a school). Also, we think we have to do too many paper-works. It is more useful to prepare for the lessons than to write reports.
All of us are satisfied with the mentors we had. They contributed to our good results, shared with us their experiences and helped us to prepare for the lessons.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Class: 1e
Subject: English                                                                                                                                                                         Date: 2011 – 01 - 10
Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė
Topic: Unknown white male
Aim: To develop reading skills, to develop text comprehension skills
Type: independent work
Methods: exercises
Materials: Solutions (course book)

Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Students activity
Says hello.Checks attendance, asks how they are today.
Answer to teacher‘s questions

Pre-reading 5min
Makes a lead-in by asking questions

Reading 10min
Asks to read the text and translate sentences
Read and translate

After – Reading 15min
Asks to do tasks related with the text:
2) To write sentences about the text in the correct order
3) Match words with their equivalents according to the text
4) Write a correct preposition in the sentence
After every exercise discuss the essence of the exercise and explains what to do next.
Do the tasks individually, check answers
The teacher walks round the classroom, checks if everybody understands the task. Students who made no mistakes receive pluses for the class work.
A teacher always praises students for the good answer.
Presentation 5min
Asks students to read the rules on prepositions and to translate them.
Read and translate the rules

Practise 5min
Asks to do the vocabulary builder from the back of the book. Students have to write the correct preposition.
Work individually. Check the answers
A teacher corrects the pronunciation and mistakes
Finishing the lesson 3min
Stresses on what has been learnt today.  Sets the homework
Write down  homework

Says goodbye
Say Goodbye

Class: 1a
Subject: English                                                                                                                                                                  Date: 2011 – 01 - 10
Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė
Topic: Unknown white male
Aim: To develop text comprehension skills, reading skills
Type: independent work
Methods: exercises, brainstorming, discussion
Materials: Solutions (course book)

Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Warm-up 1min
Says hello. Checks attendance, asks how they are today.
Answer to teacher‘s questions

Pre-reading 5min
Asks about memory warm – up exercises. Asks what they know about memory
Discuss, their opinion

Reading 5 min
Asks students to look through the text
Read  individually

After – Reading 10min
Asks to do tasks related with the text:
2) To write sentences about the text in the correct order
3) Match words with their equivalents according to the text
4) Write a correct preposition in the sentence
After every exercise discuss the essence of the exercise and explains what to do next.
Do the tasks individually, check the answers
Presentation 5min
Asks students to read the rules on prepositions and to translate them.
Read and translate the rules.

Practice 10min
1) Asks to do the vocabulary builder from the back of the book. To write the correct preposition in the sentences according to the rules they have read.
2) Asks to make sentences about themselves using words with prepositions
3) Workbooks. Choose the correct preposition.
Work individually. Check the answers

Finishing the lesson 3min
Stresses on what has been learnt today.  Sets the homework.
Put down their homework

Says goodbye.
Say Goodbye
Students who made no mistakes and were active get pluses

Class: 1c
Subject: Mathematics                                                                                                                                                          Date: 2011 – 01 - 10
Teacher: Stasė Glėbienė
Topic: Lygčių sistemos sprendimas sudėties būdu
Aim: To revise and to consolidate the knowledge of equation systems
Type: independent work
Methods: exercises
Materials: blackboard, student books and workbooks „Matematika 9kl.“

Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Warm-up 1min
Says hello
Checks attendance, asks how they are today.
Answer to the teacher‘s questions

Revision 5min
Asks what was the last lesson`s topic

Revision 5 min
Checking homework. Asks students to read the answers.
Read the answers

Revision 10min
Asks students to the blackboard to do several exercises
Several students go to the blackboard and do the tasks

Presentation 5min
Presents the new topic “Sąlyginių užduočių sprendimas“. Speaks on the rules, difficult cases of the topic
Listen, write down important things

Practice 10min
Asks students to go to the blackboard and to do some exercises.
One by one student goes to the blackboard and does the exercises. If the students come across difficulties, the classmates help him/her
A teacher explains unclear cases if classmates could not help
Practice 8min
Asks students to do two exercises
Work individually

Farewell 1min
Sets homework. Says goodbye
Write down homework

Class: 2a
Subject: English                                                                                                                                                                         Date: 2011 – 01 - 11
Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė
Topic: letter writing
Aim: to memorize the differences between formal and informal letter, to practice writing letters
Type: independent work, group work
Methods: exercises, listening, class work
Materials: Enterprise 4 intermediate students book, workbook, cd-player

Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Says goodbye, checks attendance
Answer to the teacher‘s questions

Checking homework 5min
Asks to open homework, checks them, corrects mistakes if any
Read homework. Corrects the mistakes
Stresses on the most difficult cases
Practice 5 min
Asks to read advertisements and to decide which letter goes with each advertisement.
Read individually, check the answers

Revision 5min
Asks to revise the material about formal letter writing
Discuss orally

Practice 5min
Asks to read an example of a formal letter and to decide is it a good or a bad letter according to all the things that a good formal letter has to have
Read a letter out loud and discuss

Listening 10min
Asks to listen to the letter and do the listening comprehension tasks
Listen. Do the tasks individually. Check the answers
Who made no mistakes, got a plus
Practice 5min
Asks to read more letter examples and to decide is it a formal or informal letter
Work individually, check the answers

Practice/group work 8min
Distributes the students into groups and asks to write a short letter according to an advertisement
Work in groups

Farewell 1min
Sets homework. Says goodbye.
Put down their homework

Class: 2d
Subject: English                                                                                                                                                                         Date: 2011 – 01 - 11
Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė
Topic: letter writing
Aim:  to memorize the differences between formal and informal letter, to practice writing letters
Type: independent work, test
Methods: exercises, listening
Materials: Enterprise 4 intermediate students book, workbook, cd-player.

Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Warm-up 4min
Says hallo, checks attendance. Remains about the spelling test and gives some time to revise the words
Say hallo, revise the words

Spelling Test 10min
Dictates the words in Lithuanian. Says that students have about 10 minutes
Put down the words in Lithuanian, translate them

Checking homework 5 min
Asks to show homework and to read them out loud
Check homework. Read them one by one, correct mistakes
Helps if students come across mispronunciation
Presentation 5min
Presents the new topic. Asks to read advertisements out loud, asks to translate unknown words
Read advertisements one by one out loud.

Practice 10min
The teacher comments on each letter (formal/informal). Stresses what is typical for each type. Asks to read some letters and analyze them
Listen to the teacher, discuss

Listening 10min
Asks to listen to the letter and then do the listening comprehension tasks
Listen. Do the tasks individually

Sets homework. Says goodbye
Write down homework
Students who were active and made no mistakes in the listening tasks, get pluses

Class:  1c
Subject: English                                                                                                                                                              Date: 2011 – 01 - 11
Teacher: Dalius Vyšniauskas
Topic: family, relationship
Aim: To develop speaking skills, the usage of form ‘used to’
Type: the revision of old material and the acquaintance of new material
Methods: independent work, demonstration
Materials: Solutions (course book), cd- player, blackboard
Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Says hello, checks attendance. Asks what date is today and asks one student to write in on the board. Revises all months
Say hello, one students goes to the blackboard to write down the date

Presentation 10min
Presents today`s lesson topic (family, relations). Asks if the students have grandparents and how old they are. Asks to open the books and follow the listening task
Answer the teacher`s questions

 Listening 15 min
Plays a cd. Asks to do the listening comprehension tasks
Listen, do the exercises

Presentation 10min
Revise the form ‘used to’ asks to find in the dialogue. And asks to do one exercises with new form
Search for the form, do the exercise

Finishing 5min
Asks to open homework. Corrects mistakes, if any
One by one read the answers

Farewell 2min
Wishes a good day, says goodbye

Class: 3b (b level)
Subject: English                                                                                                                                                              Date: 2011 – 01 - 12
Teacher: Vaida Bivainyte
Topic: Past Tenses
Aim: To develop the ability to recognize past tenses, revise them
Type: revision
Methods: Group work, demonstration
Materials: First Certificate Expert, blackboard
Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Says hello. Check the attendance. Explains what the lesson is going to be like
Answer to the teacher‘s questions

Revision 10min
Divides the students into groups, gives a past tense to each group and asks to write everything about that tense (form, usage etc.)
Work in groups
The teacher works round the class and looks if someone needs help
Presentation 17 min
Asks students to the blackboard, to present their tenses 
Each group presents the tense they have received
The teacher corrects some mistakes
Practice 10min
Asks to do activities related with past tenses. 1) Asks to read the story and to underline the correct past tense
2) Asks to write the correct past tense in the gaps
1) Students read the story one by one and mark the correct tense. They explain their choice
2) Work individually, check the answers

Finishing 3min
Stresses that the revision is over and talks about the coming test. Gives examples what to expect in the test
Listen. Put something down

Farewell 2min
Wishes a good day, says goodbye

Class: 3e
Subject: English                                                                                                                                                                     Date: 2011 – 01 – 12
Teacher: Vaida Galkontaitė
Topic: Revision “Past Tenses”
Aim: To revise past tenses, to prepare for the test
Type: individual work
Methods: exercises, oral practice
Materials: First Certificate Expert, blackboard.
Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Warm-up 2 min
Says hello, checks attendance
Say hello

Checking homework 10min
Asks students to read their homework out loud. Comments on the difficult issues, explains certain rules.
Check the answers, asks unclear cases
Students who want to receive pluses are the volunteers in reading homework
Presentation 5 min
Explains some cases of past tenses on the board
Students discuss, follow the teacher
A teacher explains some rules in Lithuanian
Practice 10min
Asks to do several exercises from workbook
Do the task all together. Students read lines one by one. Correct each other, discuss
The teacher asks to speak in English during the lesson
Presentation 5min
Stresses on the most difficult cases
Listen. Note down something

Practice 10min
Asks to do activities in order to consolidate the knowledge (from workbooks)
Work individually, check the answers

Farewell 3min
Explain homework, remind about the test
Note down homework, say goodbye

Class: 1e
Subject: English                                                                                                                                                                     Date: 2011 – 01 – 12
Teacher: Ramunėlė Šaulianskienė
Topic: revision of module
Aim: To revise past tenses, to prepare for the test, to develop listening/reading skiils
Type: individual work
Methods: exercises, oral practice
Materials: Solutions (course book)
Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Warm-up 2 min
Says hello, checks attendance
Say hello

Checking homework/ setting homework 10min
Asks to show homework, walks round the class and looks at homework. Then asks to read them aloud. Sets homework
Check the answers, asks unclear cases, put down homework
The teacher corrects pronunciation mistakes
Practice 5 min
Asks to open the book and describe the person in the picture

Practice/ reading 10min
Asks to read a letter and then do the reading comprehension task (true/false)
Work individually, check the answers

Practice/ pre-listening 5min
Asks to look through the text and see if all words are known, translates some of them
Ask the unknown words

Practice/listening 10min
Put a cd. Explains the listening comprehension task
Listen carefully, do the exercise

Farewell 3min
Say goodbye, remind about the test

Class: 1a
Subject: geography                                                                                                                                                                    Date: 2011 – 01 – 12
Teacher: Ribakauskas
Topic: lakes in Lithuania
Aim: to get familiar with Lithuanian lakes
Type: Group work
Methods: presentation, demonstration
Materials: blackboard, computers, slides, posters
Stages and timing
Teacher activity
Student activity
Warm-up 2 min
Says hello, checks attendance
Say hello

Introduction 2 min
Speaks on presentations and their topics. Asks the students to take floor and listen to the presentations

Presentations 38 min
There were 4 groups, each talking about different lake in Lithuania. After presentation, the teacher comments, evaluates
Students present. Other classmates comment, praise
Some students bought computers, prepared interesting slides
Farewell 3min
Say goodbye, gives general overview on presentations