Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Teacher:VilijaRamonienė                                                                                                                                                       Date: 2011-01-26
Class: 2d
Level:  Intermediate
Aims: 1) Students will remember the key vocabulary of environment.       Topic: Earth: SOS
          2) Students will develop listening skills.
Materials: Enterprise (coursebook), Enterprise (workbook), Enterprise (grammar book)
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Checking homework
Ask to read ex.4 (workbook), ex. 17,18,19,20,21 (grammar book)
Read and say the right answer
To make sure that homework was clear

Setting homework
Ask to make a presentation on environmental problems (any theme) in groups (for next Wednesday). Ask to choose groups. Explain about presentations in detail (length, materials etc.) Set homework for Monday (ex. 5,6,7,8,9)
Create groups, write down homework
To develop speaking skills while doing a presentation, to encourage creativity
Students can find it difficult to choose a theme, I will give several suggestions
Practice (ex.1,2)
1)      Explain the tasks.
2)      Give some time for individual work
Work individually
To develop students’ cognitive skills, practice the topic`s active words

Practice/listening (ex.3)
Explain exercise, put on CD
Learners listen the record, tick the answers
To develop listening skills, to memorize active vocabulary

Practise vocabulary
Explain the following exercises, when the students finish ex.5, I will translate collocations
Work individually(till the bell rings)
To memorize active vocabulary
Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
    3 min               Farewell                    Remind about the spelling test on Monday once more!!!                                                                                      
Student-teacher: Raimonda Vilkaitytė   
Teacher: Vilija  Ramonienė                                                                               Date: 2011-02-01
Class: 2c
Level: Intermediate
Aims: 1) To drill and consolidate linking words                             Topic:Grammar/Use of English                                                      
Materials: Enterprise (coursebook), Enterprise (workbook), Enterprise (grammar book)

Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets students. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher

Returning of tests
Gives spelling tests back. Comments on them
Check mistakes
To make sure that everything is clear.
If students want to rewrite the test, arrange the date and details
Checking homework
Asks to read one by one (ex. 14,15,16,17 from workbooks), (ex. 7,8 from coursebooks)
Read and say the right answers
To make sure that everything was clear
If students do not have their homework, the teacher will give a short quiz from previous homework
Practice (from page 92.)Grammar books
Explains exercises, then asks to read aloud the answers
Learners do the exercises. Work individually
To drill linking words

Farewell/Setting homework
Explains what students have to do at home. Says goodbye
Write down their homework

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher:Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher:Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                                                                                       Date: 2011-02-03
Class: 1b
Level: Intermediate
Aims: 1) to drill/repeat tenses (Present/Past Simple, Present/Past Continuous, Present/Past Perfect)
           2) to remember adjectives and adverbs and their usage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Topic: 1)Tenses
Materials: Round-up (grammar book)                                                                                                                  2) Adjectives-Adverbs-
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets students. Asks ‘how are they’. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To warm the atmosphere, prepare students for work

Asks the students to remind each tense (how it is formed, usage). Call every student. Students who got negative marks from previous test, had to account the rules in writing
Students present each tense
To make sure that students differentiate tenses, understand them. To prepare for the test
If students face some difficulties, the teacher helps them
Test/Checking knowledge
Distributes the tests. Asks to close everything and wishes good luck
Write a test individually

Checking homework
Asks to open grammars. Checks homework (27-28 pages)
Read the answers one by one
To drill adjectives, adverbs
If some students face difficulties, the teachers explains adjectives and adverbs(their difference) once more
Farewell/Setting homework
Explains what students have to do at home. Says goodbye
Write down their homework

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus

Student-teacher:Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Date: 2011-02-07
Class: 1e
Level: Intermediate
Aims: 1) To get acquainted with non-defining relative clauses                                                                                           Topic: Non-defining relative clauses
           2) To drill and practice non-defining relative clauses
           3) To develop reading/writing skills skills
Materials: Solutions (coursebook), Solutions (workbook)

Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets the students. Asks how they are. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To prepare students for the class work

Checking homework
Asks the students to read the exercises from workbook (ex.1, 2, 3 page 24). Explains unclear cases
Check the exercises, correct the mistakes.
To make sure previous lesson`s material was clear (homework reveals if the students understand the last lesson`s material). To revise active vocabulary

Introduces non-defining relative clauses. Explains the difference between defining relative clauses
Listen to the teacher. Ask if something is not clear
To know what is a non-defining relative clause. To be able to use it

Asks to read the text and pay attention to relative clauses. Asks to answer the question ‘Does the text make sense without relative clauses?’
Read the text individually
1)      To develop reading skills.
2)      To practice and differentiate relative clauses
If there are any unknown words, the teacher translates them.
Asks to read the table called ‘Learn this’(rules).Explains every rule
Read the rules
To drill non-defining relative clauses.

Asks to do the following exercises (one is reading exercise, the other is joining two sentences using non-defining relative clause)
Work individually, ask if something is not clear
To develop reading/writing skills

Setting homework/Farewell
Explains homework (from workbook).Wishes a good day and says goodbye
Write down their homework
To finish the lesson and summarise what has been learnt. 
Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher: Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramoniene                                                                                                                               Date: 2011-02-09
Class: 1e
Level: Intermediate                                                                                                                                                                                           Topic: Reversing Roles
Aims: 1) to develop reading skills
           2) to develop speaking skills
           3) to drill the active vocabulary of the topic
Materials: Solutions (coursebook), Solutions (workbook)
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets the students. Asks how they are. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To prepare students for the class work

Checking homework
Asks to read ex, 1,2,3,4 from workbook on page 25. Corrects mistakes, if any
One by one read the answers , correct mistakes
To make sure that the previous lesson is mastered and understood (non-defining relative clauses)

Asks the students to read a text ‘Woman`s work? A man`s world?’ Explains the two reading comprehension tasks. Checks the answers after doing, corrects mistakes, explains unclear cases
Read the text, do reading comprehension tasks, read the answers, correct them
To develop reading skills
If students come across unknown words, the teacher translates
Starts a discussion asking the questions such as’ How would you react if you see a woman who is mechanic/a man doing a midwife`s job etc.?’ (related to the topic and text)
Answer the questions, discuss
To develop speaking skills, to encourage thinking
If there are any unknown words, the teacher translates them.
3 min
Setting homework/finishing the lesson
Explains what they have to do at home (page 26 from workbook)
Put down their homework, say goodbye

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher :Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                                                               Date: 2011-02-10
Class: 2c
Level: Intermediate
Aims: 1) to check knowledge on grammar (linking words)                          
           2) to develop speaking skills    Topic: Grammar/Use of English (test ) / Earth: SOS (presentations)                                                                                                                                                                                                    Materials: Enterprise (coursebook)
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets students. Asks ‘how are they’. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To warm the atmosphere, prepare students for work

Checking knowledge/test
Gives tests. Explains the tasks, wishes good luck
Write a test
To check what has been leant

There are 3 groups who haven`t accounted, asks them to present (the presentations are on environmental problems). Gives feedback and evaluation
Presents, other classmates give feedback
To develop speaking skills, talking before the audience, to stress  the importance of the topic

Farewell/Setting homework
Explains what students have to do at home. Says goodbye
Write down their homework

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher:Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                      Date: 2011-02-15
Class: 2d
Level: Intermediate
Aims: 1) to repeat the components of argumentative compositions
           2) to drill the linking words/language used in argumentative compositions
           3) to develop writing skills                              Topic: Argumentative Compositions (for and against)
Materials: Enterprise coursebook, Enterprise workbook                                                                                                               
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets students. Asks ‘how are they’. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To warm the atmosphere, prepare students for work

Error correction
Gives the students` tests back, comments on them. Explains unclear cases, stresses on the most common mistakes
Students check their mistakes
To make sure that students understand their mistakes and next time will be able to avoid them

Briefly introduces the main points of writing argumentative compositions. Asks the students ‘what are the components, what do we write in the first/last paragraphs? etc.’
Respond to the teacher
To remember about argumentative compositions

Asks to open the books. Explains the tasks (to underline the correct linking word, to think of 3 advantages and disadvantages of tourism, to distinguish the techniques used in first and last paragraphs)
Work individually, then one by one read the answers
To drill linking words, peculiarities of writing argumentative compositions

Farewell/Setting homework
Explains what students have to do at home. Says goodbye
Write down their homework

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher:Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                                                                  Date: 2011-02-17
Class: 1b
Level: Intermediate                                                                                  Topic: Adjectives and Adverbs
Aims: 1) to get ready/prepare for the test
           2) to drill adjectives and adverbs
Materials: Round up (grammar book)
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets the students. Asks how they are. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To prepare students for the class work

Checking homework
Asks to read ex, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (from page 34) from grammar book. Corrects mistakes if any, stresses unclear cases
One by one read the answers , correct mistakes
To make sure that  everythink is mastered and understood

Asks the students to go on working from grammar books ( ex. 18, 19, 20, 21 remained) Explains the rules and exercises, correct mistakes
Do the tasks, correct the answers

Gives a short revision test (similar tasks will appear in the test). Gives instructions
Do the quiz, check the answers, evaluate themselves
To revise for the test

1 min
Setting homework/finishing the lesson
Explains what they have to do at home (revision only)
 Say goodbye

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher :Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                                                               Date: 2011-02-21
Class: 1e
Level: Intermediate                                                                                           Topic:A Job Application
Aims: 1) to develop speaking skills
           2) to memorize how to write a formal letter ( a job application in this case), develop writing skills
           3) to develop reading skills
Materials: Solutions (coursebook), Solutions (workbook)

Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets the students. Asks how they are. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To prepare students for the class work

Checking homework
1)Asks the students to  act out their dialogues ( a job interview)/ gives feedback after dialogues
2) Asks to open their workbooks and read the exercises
1) Act out dialogues
2) Read the exercises one by one
To develop speaking skills, to drill active vocabulary related to job and professions

Presents a job application. What is it? How to start an application letter? Should vocabulary be formal or informal etc.
Listen to the teacher. Ask if something is not clear
To memorize the most important points on a job application

Asks to read a job application on page 31. Asks to answer the three questions after reading
Read the letter individually, answer the questions
1)      To develop reading skills.
2)      To memorize how a job application should look like
If there are any unknown words, the teacher translates them.
Explains the tasks nr. 3,4 Asks the students to do them, correct the mistakes (if any) after doing
Do the tasks, check the answers, correct the mistakes
To drill the structure and formal vocabulary of a letter

Explains the ex 4. (students have to read a job advert and say what qualities are needed for that kind of job), discuss the qualities
Read individually, discuss with the teacher qualities needed for a job
To develop reading, speaking skills

Setting homework/Farewell
Explains homework (from workbook) Asks to write a job application letter. Wishes a good day and says goodbye
Write down their homework
To finish the lesson and summarise what has been learnt. 
Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher: Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                                                               Date: 2011-02-23
Class: 2d
Aims: 1) to develop speaking skills                                              Topic:Education
           2) to develop reading skills
           3) to get familiarized/drill (with)the active vocabulary of the topic
Materials: Enterprise (coursebook), Enterprise (workbook)
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets the students. Asks how they are. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To prepare students for the class work

Checking homework
Asks to read aloud the ex. 6,7,8,9,10 from page 119, correct mistakes if any, explains unclear case
One by one read the answers , correct mistakes

1)      Asks what comes to their minds when the students hear a word ‘education’? (Expected answers: teacher, school, university etc.)
2)      Asks the students about their future plans after leaving the school
1)Tells what comes to their minds when they hear a word ‘education’
2) Speaks on their future plans related to education
To encourage thinking, creativity, to develop speaking skills

Pre-teaches a concept of ‘cooperative learning’. Translates the active words in bold. Asks to read a text ‘Cooperative Kids’ on page 121 (this class is weaker, so reading can take more time)
 Write down the translation of active words. Read the text individually, do the reading comprehension task while reading, checks the answers
3)      To develop reading skills.
4)      To drill active vocabulary
If there are any unknown words, the teacher translates them.
3 min
Setting homework/finishing the lesson
Explains what they have to do at home (ex. 1,2,3,4 from workbook)
Put down their homework, say goodbye

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher :Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                                                               Date: 2011-02-24
Class: 2c
Level: Intermediate                                                                                                                                                           Topic: Education
Aims: 1) to develop speaking skills
           2) to develop reading skills
           3) to get familiarized/drill (with)the active vocabulary of the topic
Materials: Enterprise (coursebook), Enterprise (workbook)
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets the students. Asks how they are. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To prepare students for the class work

Checking homework
Asks to read aloud the ex. 8,9,10 from page 119, correct mistakes if any, explains unclear case
One by one read the answers , correct mistakes

3)      Asks what comes to their minds when the students hear a word ‘education’? (Expected answers: teacher, school, university etc.)
4)      Asks the students about their future plans after leaving the school
1)Tells what comes to their minds when they hear a word ‘education’
2) Speaks on their future plans related to education
To encourage thinking, creativity, to develop speaking skills

Pre-teaches a concept of ‘cooperative learning’. Translates the active words in bold. Asks to read a text ‘Cooperative Kids’ on page 121
 Write down the translation of active words. Read the text individually, do the reading comprehension task while reading, checks the answers
5)      To develop reading skills.
6)      To drill active vocabulary
If there are any unknown words, the teacher translates them.
Explains the tasks nr. 2,3 (translates unknown active words) Asks the students to do them, correct the mistakes (if any) after doing
Do the tasks, check the answers, correct the mistakes
To drill  active vocabulary

3 min
Setting homework/finishing the lesson
Explains what they have to do at home (ex. 1,2,3,4 from workbook)
Put down their homework, say goodbye

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher :Raimonda Vilkaitytė

Teacher: Vilija Ramonienė                                                                                                                               Date: 2011-02-28
Class: 2d
Level: Intermediate
Aims: 1) to develop reading skills
           2) to familiarize with active vocabulary                                             Topic: Education
           3) to drill active vocabulary (while doing exercises)                                                                                                    
Materials: Enterprise coursebook, Enterprise workbook                                                                                                               
Time /
Teacher activities
Students activities
Unexpected problems and solutions
Greets students. Asks ‘how are they’. Checks attendance
Greet the teacher
To warm the atmosphere, prepare students for work

Checking homework
Asks to open workbooks. Asks to start reading ex. 1,2,3,4
Students one by one read the exercises
To make sure that homework was clear
If students make a mistake, the teacher corrects, explains
Pre-teaches active words in bold. Asks to read the text ‘Cooperative kids’. After reading, asks the students to read reading comprehension task, corrects the mistakes, if any
Put down the translation of active vocabulary, read the text, do the reading comprehension task. After reading check the answers
To develop reading skills, to memorize active words

Asks to open the books. Pre-teaches new words from ex. 2, 3 Explains the tasks nr. 2,3 (fill in the correct word from the list)
Work individually, then one by one read the answers
To drill the words related to education

Explains the task nr. 4 (underline the correct word), then explains the difference between the words if students have difficulty in choosing the correct word
Do the task, check the answers

Farewell/Setting homework
Explains what students have to do at home. Says goodbye
Write down their homework

Students who were active and prepared for the lesson get a plus
Student-teacher:Raimonda Vilkaitytė

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